These are a few Selenium Commands , which are frequently used while writing the code in Eclipse
- driver.get("URL")
To navigate to an application.
- element.sendKeys("inputtext")
Enter some text into an input box.
- element.clear()
Clear the contents from the input box.
- select.deselectAll()
Deselect all OPTIONs from the first SELECT on the page.
- select.selectByVisibleText("some
text") Select the OPTION with the input specified by the user.
- driver.switchTo().window("windowName")
Move the focus from one window to another
- driver.switchTo().frame("frameName")
Swing from frame to frame.
- driver.switchTo().alert()
Helps in handling alerts.
- driver.navigate().to("URL")
Navigate to the URL.
- driver.navigate().forward()
To navigate forward.
- driver.navigate().back()
To navigate back.
- driver.close()
Closes the current browser associated with the driver.
- driver.quit()
Quits the driver and closes all the associated window of that driver.
- driver.refresh()
Refreshes the current page.
Links to useful posts:
- Abstraction
- Method
- Method
- Instance
- Java Applets
- Pop
ups and Alerts
- Absolute
- Relative
- Annotations
- JSP Vs Servlet
- Selenium
Webdriver Browser Commands
- Absolute
path Vs Relative path
- Selenium
Webdriver Pop ups and Alerts
- Testng
Annotations - part 1
- Object
Models in QTP - Part 1
Agile Testing Methodology - Extreme
Programming and customer satisfaction
- Mobile
testing - What are the Challenges in mobile testing & Strategies
we can follow to deal with them
- Crowdsource
testing - Crowdtesting
- Model-based
testing (MBT)
- Big
Data Testing
- Cloud Testing
Test Driven Development
- Verification
vs Validation
- Software
Testing Interview Questions - Mock Test CSTE / ISTQB
- Software
testing types
- Risk