
SQL Interview Question : How to find Second Highest Salary Of an Employee ?

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SQL Interview Question: How to find the Second Highest Salary Of an Employee in SQL database?

Answer: SQL  is a language used in programming and designed for managing data in a relational database management system (RDBMS).

Select distinct salary from Empoyee e1 where 2 = (select count(distinct salary) from Employee e2 where  e1.salary <= e2.salary);
Step 1: So to understand the above query we will start with simple select statement.
Select * from Employee; Output:
Employee_num Employee_name Department Salary 1 Mohan CAD1 920000 2 Gagan CAD2 580000 3 Sumit CAD3 620000
We need to fetch the record where salary is second highest.

Step 2: How to fetch distinct Salary of employees and give the alias to it.

Select distinct Salary from Employee e1;
Salary 920000 580000 620000

Step 3: How to calculate the Second highest salary. So we need to get the count of all distinct salaries.

Select count(distinct Salary) from Employee e2;

Step 4 : Modify the above query to get the second-highest

Select count(distinct Salary) from Employee e2 where e1.salary<=e2.salary;


The above query will give us the second highest salary of the employee.


1.Distinct keyword:–>The Distinct keyword will eliminate duplicates.

2.Aliases–> Alias is an obfuscation technique to protect the real names of database fields

3.Count()–>Count() function is to count the number of records in the table.