
How to write effective test cases ?

What is a test case ?

A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether a system under test satisfies requirements or works correctly. The process of developing test cases can also help find problems in the requirements or design of an application.
A Test Case is a set of actions executed to verify a particular feature or functionality of your software application.A test case is a set of steps and preconditions which a tester uses to execute a software test.A Test Case is a documentation which specifies input values, expected output and the preconditions for executing the test.A sequence of one or more sub tests executed as a sequence because the outcome and/or final state of one sub test is the input and/or initial state of the next. The word ‘test’ is used to include sub tests, tests proper, and test suites.

Why do we need a test case ?

.To validate the testing coverage of the application. Test cases help to test an application in a structured planned way. It eliminates the need and risks that come with the ad-hoc approach in testing.It helps to maintain and track test coverage. Test cases also enable consistency in testing process and execution. It makes sure that nothing is left to chance or untested. It eliminates the risk that comes with people dependency. When test engineer leaves the company, leaves with product knowledge. When new test engineer joins he has to spend lot of time in understanding the product. To avoid this we need to write the test cases.Test cases document helps maintain consistency and flow of testing. It eliminates the need to remember what you tested and what is left. When everything is documented it becomes easy to track how much you have tested, how much you are yet to test. What functionalities are required in the scope of testing in a cycle and the functionalities that are out of scope. It brings the team on the same page as to what is the input data, step to perform the testing, where to look at the result, what’s expected.Test cases document can be re-used by new members of the team. it helps them understand the product better and saves time. Once documented, these test cases can be used for regression (testing again after new functionality is implemented).Also if you have test cases documented, it will be easier for the team to automate them step by step without missing on anything.

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